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verfasst am: 08.12.2008, 08:45
Registrierdatum: 08.12.2008, 08:34
Beitrge: 2
Okay, so I'm looking for a already completed translation of the Gameset editor. As there are still some words like 'angriffsarken', 'abwehr', 'herstellbar' and etc. I know they're german but I have absolutely no knowledge of the German language, so can anybody please help? Thanks in advance! |
verfasst am: 08.12.2008, 13:18
Admin, Spielsatz GalWar
Registrierdatum: 31.08.2005, 21:51
Beitrge: 5596
Unfortunately there is no such thing at the moment. The best thing would be to use this to create one in the english area of our online-documentation.
You have to ask which words you want explained either here or in the wiki, and then someone will answer (might take several days).
The problem is that the gameseteditor cannot be completely translated inside its program. Everything that could be made multi-lingual in the editor already is.
But we have used external components for the editor and can't change those to support our language files. I'm planning an indirect solution, but even that is some work and I didn't have time for it yet.
'herstellbar' means 'producable' - if the flag is that that item could be produced by the base technicians after all research and requirements are met.
'Angriffsstrke' basically translates to 'attack power' and is the base damage applied to the first unprotected object hit. What happens after that depends on what was hit and the other values of armor and the weapon.
'Abwehr' means 'defence' - which one I can't say without knowing the context, there are several places where that word is used. |
verfasst am: 08.12.2008, 15:37
Spielsatz Darkage
Registrierdatum: 01.03.2005, 13:47
Beitrge: 1846
Best choice at the moment is to make a page in the wiki, write the words (and say where they are used) and leave a word here with the link to the page. It's no big problem to translate, but I really don't know what and normally don't look in the english wiki ;) |
verfasst am: 08.12.2008, 15:55 · Edited by: ScheF
Registrierdatum: 08.12.2008, 13:10
Beitrge: 73
verfasst am: 08.12.2008, 16:35
Admin, Spielsatz GalWar
Registrierdatum: 31.08.2005, 21:51
Beitrge: 5596
This won't work - he needs to know what the described attribute does in the X-Force context if he wants to use the editor, and an online translator doesn't help with that. |
verfasst am: 08.12.2008, 17:34 · Edited by: Virus_cg5
Registrierdatum: 03.02.2008, 07:57
Beitrge: 36
fairly sure I did all the translations and descriptions quite awhile ago have a look at post on this site or at the bug report for my posts, if its not there I'll see if I still have them |
verfasst am: 08.12.2008, 17:57
Admin, Spielsatz GalWar
Registrierdatum: 31.08.2005, 21:51
Beitrge: 5596
Zitat: Virus_cg5 fairly sure I did all the translations and descriptions quite awhile ago
You translated the language files, but as I told above that file doesn't include every name in the editor. It is simply impossible to translate the attributes in certain editor windows, because they can't be extracted from the program itself.
Those names have to be manually written down and described, they can't be translated inside the editor. |
verfasst am: 08.12.2008, 19:12 · Edited by: Virus_cg5
Registrierdatum: 03.02.2008, 07:57
Beitrge: 36
did do description for the editor attributes, think I only have an old unfinished version on my hard drive as lost everything I did backup a little while ago, can upload the unfinished version if you know where to upload it to other then rapidshare as my isp bans all access to it.
damn it only the old version on the site guess thats where I regot my copy will update when I get time but am trying to learn how to mod birth of the federation, it is located here under Edit Translations.xls |
verfasst am: 08.12.2008, 22:53
Registrierdatum: 08.12.2008, 08:34
Beitrge: 2
Well, to be frank. Every German word that is in the editor, though I think 'stunden' means 'time'. |
verfasst am: 08.12.2008, 22:59
Admin, Spielsatz GalWar
Registrierdatum: 31.08.2005, 21:51
Beitrge: 5596
No, 'Stunden' means 'hours' - its a unit of time, not time itself.
The problem with "Every German word" is that we don't have time to check the editor which words are still German. And even when I have time for XForce I prefer to work on the gameset to speed up the time until the 0.915 beta.
That's why I asked for specific questions. I have no problem making a few minutes to answer a question where you've a problem at the moment - but to check and translater the entire editor needs a few hours, and those I don't have.
if someone else in the community has the time to do that I'm willing to help and clarify wherever there is a misunderstanding, but I can't do it myself. |
verfasst am: 09.12.2008, 04:06
Registrierdatum: 03.09.2007, 07:28
Beitrge: 22
I'd be willing to help translate the editor, what would you need exactly, DirkF? I would imagine I could do some translation and a brief glance over from those more keen with German to English. I do have someone I can speak with if I'm having trouble with word meanings. (Speaks both English and his native German as well as read/writes to confer with) While I am not sure I could get him to help with all the translations I'm sure he would be willing to help with some. |
verfasst am: 09.12.2008, 20:02
Admin, Spielsatz GalWar
Registrierdatum: 31.08.2005, 21:51
Beitrge: 5596
Make screenshots of all windows in the english editor and send them to me. I'll make them available in the WIKI, and you can then place the translations for the German words there.
Here is an example (only visible in the German part of the Wiki)
XEditorTutorial.Kapitel2-3 |
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verfasst am: 02.11.2024, 22:51
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Seite: 1 [2] >> |