Zitat: sub
encountered a few bugs.. game crashed after a mission when the report said "unable to equip certain character with certain ammunition" but i reloaded the save game and it worked good after that.. (i got the error report saved)
email -> jim_raynor@web.de
Zitat: sub
the ground combat is a bit slow when moving around the screen?
I think its your computer. Try on/off of some options. For example, on my Computer the game only runs under 16 bit.
Zitat: sub
gotta make crouching for units in combat..
this or at least knell down is planned
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sometimes my units dont get their reaction turn? (bad reactions i guess?) and the aliens shoot them.. hehe then i have to reload
only first soldier who see the alien (or changed again to another version? Don´t remember. Lots of changes in the V 0,9 betas :D )
Fact: it´s normal ;)
Don´t get shoot at, then you didn´t need reaction turns :p
Zitat: sub
the manual control of ship fighting is.. well i just let the computer do the fighting after getting blown away by a lowly research ship.. :P
other players shoot down motherships with the starting vessel ^^
However: This fighting method will be killed in future versions. We are working (means mostly: planning) at a better simulation. A german "plan" of this exists (from me) but this is very complicated even in german, so don´t think I´m going to translate :D
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a few of the equiment text has not been translated.. gosh it's fun trying to guess what all those german words means in english hehe
Make your own ;) Every gameset needs an awful lot of time. I first try to finish the german part of mine, then we can speak again about translation.